Top 5 Hazards of Removing Junk on Your Own

Do you clean out your house? Hopefully, the answer is yes… But in all seriousness, did you know there are certain hazards when cleaning your house out on your own? Here are a couple of reasons why junk removal may be hazardous for you:

  • Possible health risks
    If you are an elder, weak, disabled, or injured person, removing trash on your own can be dangerous for you. Especially if there is a lot of junk, taking everything out by yourself may lead to exhaustion, pulling a muscle, or sustaining some injury. It may be best to call someone over to prevent this from happening to you.

  • Injury due to Hazardous Materials
    Materials like glass, metal, and wire can not only cut you but injure your eyes or tear your clothes. Also, these materials can scrape and cut surfaces, like floors and carpets, but also walls and other furniture items.

  • Difficulty in removing Items
    Large items, like appliances, furniture, and large boxes can pose a difficult challenge when working on your own. Imagine trying to carry these things down the stairs, or pushing them across the hallway.
    Removing items outside can also pose a risk, such as taking things down a steep hill, ramp, or driveway. Tripping down a flight of stairs, or falling down a hill is not something anyone should risk!

  • Bacteria and other gross stuff
    When removing things like clothes, mattresses, and box springs you are bound to come across some gross stuff. Things like bacteria, bed bugs, and mold can abound on these items. It is best to avoid them and not get sick. Calling a person or team that is properly equipped to handle removing these items may be the best solution in your situation.

  • Transit Issues
    Objects that are heavy in weight, like appliances, metal desks, dressers, large printers, and other machines are problematic during transit. They have the tendency to slide and shift in a truck or trailer. These items need to be tied down or it risks creating a serious road hazard.

If you either have procrastinated, are dealing with a psychological issue like depression, or are mourning the loss of a family member, it is important to keep your peace of mind. Clear junk in your space with the help of junk removal professionals.

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